Army regulations standards army regulation 600 9 released june 2013 which is gender specific. Male body fat 86010 log 10 waist neck 70041 log 10 height 3676.
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Army body fat measurement. To use this us. Check all that apply. This calculator will determine body fat percentage and whether the calculated body fat percentage is in compliance with the army recruitment standard the standard after entry into the army or the most stringent standard of being in compliance with the department of defense goal. If you are over the prescribed weight for your height you can still qualify by being below the specified body fat for your age based on standards. Measure abdomen at the level of the navel. Determine percent body fat by finding soldiers circumference value value listed in step 5 and height in inches value listed in step 6 in figure b.
For instance if your weight is 1196lbs the official weight that will be noted down will be 120lbs. Repeat three times then average to the. Army standards of medical fitness published on june 27th 2019. If your weight exceeds the maximum limit provided for by the us. Army body fat calculator. The algorithm behind this army body fat calculator is based on the body fat percentage formula from the us.
Body composition is the amount of body fat a soldier has in comparison to their total body mass. With a flexible measurement tape measure the neck and waist at their narrowest points and the hips at their widest. Army body fat calculator it is best that you recruit the help of another person to take the measurements for you so that they are as close to the army method as possible. To the nearest 050 inch. Army then the meps officials may opt to carry out body fat percentage tests before giving you the go ahead to be a recruit. To be eligible to enlist in the army you must meet the height and weight requirements for your age.
If they exceed the armys body fat standards theyll be put on a weight management program which provides guidance to lose weight at a healthy pace. The army body fat calculator is based on the us. Body fat assessment failure within 36 months of release from army body composition program 314 page 16 pregnancy 315 page 16 hospitalization 316 page 16. Belly button round down. Exceeding army body fat standards soldiers who exceed the maximum weight shown on the charts below during an exam will be measured for body fat content. Step 7 percent body fat.